Looking lovely with its warm colors of blue and orange, this charming house is a joy to live in. It features 2 bedrooms and a nice living room where you can all hang out to enjoy your favorite movies on TV.

A gorgeous pathway made of different stones and gravel leads to the porch area that’s accessed from a low flight of stairs with tiles that match the ones used at the path.

Orange battens are used on the upper walls of the house as well as accents on the porch, creating a nice effect on the blue walls. This charming house is also complemented by plenty of flowers and greenery.

Lovely House Design

This house is small, but it looks lovely and has a modern appearance, thanks to its flat roof and nice porch at the front. Large glass windows are also used all over the place, creating a nice effect that makes the house look elegant.

White trim is used around the windows and sliding glass doors. The color scheme of blue and orange wraps around the house.

Nice Interiors

To make the place look more elegant and spacious, white paint is used on the interior walls as well as the ceilings of this charming home. Recessed lights provide adequate illumination inside. The white marble floor tiles are perfectly complemented by the brown baseboards.

The doors to the 2 bedrooms are made of wood painted in white while the bathroom has an artsy PVC door with frosted glass.

Big, Lovely Bathroom

The bathroom is big and lovely, with glossy white brick tiles on the walls. Striped brown and green tiles are used to create a grass effect on the floors.

There’s a stylish half wall made of concrete and white brick tiles to separate the wet and dry areas.

Around Php1 million was used to build this beautiful home.