A house doesn’t have to be a grand mansion to be called a home. In fact, a lot of people actually enjoy living in a small house that’s filled with love.

In this charming wooden cottage with 2 bedrooms, you’ll have a beautiful place to call as home. It features a lovely porch at the front, also made of wood as the rest of the house.

Set higher on the ground by a few feet, this house would be perfect for a rural setting. It is easy to imagine this home amid a farm or a green lot with lots of vegetable plots all around.

Lovely Cottage Design

It is not a grand house, but the lovely cottage design of this beautiful home makes it a nice place to stay in, all year round. Taking stock of the wooden design of this house, even the roof is painted in brown to match the woodsy theme.

A short flight of stairs leads to the porch that comes with a comfortable built-in bench with a wood back. The railings and the back of the wooden bench are sturdy to ensure your safety.

Beautiful Interiors with Intricate Designs

The floorboards are flattened well and polished to make the house look great. The beautiful interiors come with wood parts, too, but you’ll surely admire the intricate designs, particularly on the ceilings of this charming cottage.

Even the windows are also made of wood in this lovely home.

Nice Bedrooms

There are 2 nice bedrooms in this house, making the place ideal for a small family. By picking the right furniture and arranging the spot well, the space for the living room can also double as kitchen and dining area.

Wood is beautiful yet also expensive. But depending on lots of factors in your locality, this house may be built for around Php100,000.