Choosing a house plan for your family is very important because home is where you want to be stress-free from work and outside negative energy.

You might consider contemporary design, which refers to “things at the moment” or design that is evolving due to the availability of new materials and pieces.

Contemporary design homes are usually built in large spaces because it showcases bold exterior, boxy feel, largely geometric form, asymmetrical facades and popular for homeowners who want to create a functional, distinctive look and feel.

Contemporary homes are mostly built with flat roofs as it gives a modern and timeless feel.

A flat roof is not only innovative design but can be practical as well. You can use it as a terrace, a roof living space or a garden which will be beneficial to anyone with limited garden spaces.

However, it is not suitable for places that always rain as the roof may be saturated with water and leaks or anywhere the water can freeze and expand as it will damage the roof composition.

This 5 bedrooms flat roof contemporary India home is built in 3000 square feet in total.

Modern bricks, stone, fiberglass, cement concrete, and metal panels are among the building materials used. It features simple exteriors and practical, spacious interiors.

It has a living room, porch, common bathroom, kitchen and two bedrooms on the ground floor, while three bedrooms, porch, three bathrooms, and a terrace is on the first floor.

Encased with large windows and skylight windows to bring ventilation and natural light inside the house infusing radiant spaciousness.

For this contemporary home, subtle colors are used. Different shades of gray and light blue come first, followed by tones of whites and Indian red to add contrast in its a beautiful facade.

The coordinated garage match the overall look of the house that compliments and add high visual appeal.