With a balcony at the front, 3 lovely bedrooms, 2 nice bathrooms, and wide spaces for the living room and kitchen, this 1-story house is certainly a great place to live in. This modern home features a flat roof, grey walls, and lots of glass windows with white frames that actually add beauty to the exteriors.

Set on a platform, this house is taller and looks great even from a distance. It is suitable particularly in areas that are prone to flooding during heavy rains but would be perfect anywhere.

Light grey paint is used in the interiors while dark grey graces the exteriors.

Modern Look, Great Floor Plan

A house that you will surely be proud of calling as your own, this modern dream house design features a beautiful balcony with built-in benches that have wooden backs. The wide flight of stairs directly leads to the porch area that serves as main entryway for this home.

The sliding glass doors directly open to the living room. Stylish bedrooms face each other while the hallway that separates these private spaces directly leads to the kitchen set towards the back.

Spacious Kitchen, Beautiful Doors

Having its own spot at the back gives the kitchen lots of free space even for several large appliances such as a gas range, double-door fridge, and other free-standing items. The granite counters are perfect for meal preparations.

All the doors in this house look so beautiful. The main doors are made of glass with white frames while the bedroom doors, as well as the backdoor, are made of wood.

Lovely Bedrooms, Nice Bathrooms

The bedrooms look lovely, with enough space for a big bed and a full closet. Sliding glass windows grace the rooms, each with white frames and stylish designs.

There are two bathrooms in this house, with one placed at the back. Each of the bathrooms look great, with a partition between the wet and dry areas. This lovely 3-bedroom house was built for a budget of around Php2 million.